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The Prez Sez September

Writer's picture: LWVNCLWVNC

This fall is not only harvest time; it is also when our attention turns to the general election on Tuesday, November 8th.

We will begin getting campaign materials in the mail, candidate forums are being held, signs will pop up in many yards, and we will have lively conversations about the issues and the candidates.

There is a lot of talk about the “midterms” when we vote for our federal representatives in Congress as well as various state officials. We voted for them in the primary, and you will see the top-two contenders on the ballot again, along with the top-two candidates for the county Board of Supervisors, Districts 1 and 3. In the upcoming general election, we will also vote for local towns’ mayors and city council members, seven state propositions, and school bond measures. Residents in American Canyon will also vote on a measure, which, if passed, will extend the city’s urban limit line.

As usual, Napa County’s League of Women Voters (League) is going full tilt during election time, preparing to host a series of five forums on Zoom that are free and open to the public. Participants may choose to hear the programs simultaneously translated in Spanish. All webinars will be recorded and available (English only) at YouTube/LWVNapa. Please submit questions 48 hours before each forum at time allows, some questions may be taken via Chat during the forums. Register for the Zoom link for each forum at the League’s website,


In the City of Napa, two incumbents are running for the two open council seats; with no opponents, the League is not holding a forum for this race.

Yountville’s Chamber of Commerceis hosting an in-person forum for Yountville’s mayoral and council seats on Wednesday, October 5th, at the Yountville Community Center. For more information and to register, go to


Pros/Cons on State Propositions,Thursday, October 6th, 6:00–7:30 pm

Co-sponsored by the Napa Branch of AAUW (American Association of University Women)

At this webinar, you will receive unbiased, in-depth information about the seven state propositions on the ballot. We guarantee that you will come away with a greater understanding of what these California propositions are about.


Get a head start on learning about the propositions by reading the unbiased pros/cons presented in the Easy Voter Guide. This analysis is provided by the League of Women Voters of California Education Fund and the California State Library. The EVG is available online at andviewable in English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese. Look for printed copies in English and Spanish in libraries and other public places, coming soon.


Voter’s Edge, a joint project of MapLight and the League of Women Voters of California Education Fund, is a website offering a comprehensive, nonpartisan guide to upcoming elections, including federal, state, and local races and ballot issues.

Even though I know many of you are busy with harvest, I hope you will take advantage of all the resources LWV makes available. I especially hope you make time to attend our forums so you can learn about our local candidates and issues that will be on your ballot.


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League of Women of Voters of Napa County

Making Democracy Work

© 2025 League of Women Voters of Napa County. All rights reserved.

PO Box 10560, Napa CA 94581 

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