LWV Napa - Why Observe?
The first reason for observing public meetings is to watch their general operations. What issues are being discussed and how is the meeting being conducted? Does the agency comply with the open meeting laws?
The second reason for observing public meetings is to watch for issues on which the League should be taking action - speaking out. If an item that is being discussed is related to one of LWV Napa County's positions then include that in your report. We'll look into it and see whether it's something that the League should be speaking out on.
Finally, and maybe most importantly, observing makes a statement that the community is watching the process of government. The League observer is the representative of the public at these meetings.
What to do when you observe:
Go to the meeting, wearing your League of Women Voters button. Get a copy of the agenda (if possible, check whether it is available in advance online) and any other reports that are available. You don't have to read them all! You may not speak for the League at the meeting. Outside of the meeting you can ask questions of staff and officials.
If you can't be at the meeting in person, then watch it online. While the officials may not see you, you can still monitor the meeting.
As the meeting progresses, fill out the LWV Napa County Observer Report. Submit your report to the Napa County League. Download your copy of the LWV Observer Corp Guide here.
Resources for Observers
League positions:
LWVUS National positions
LWV California State positions
LWV Bay Area Regional positions
LWV Napa County Local positions
Interim Observer Coordinator - Joyce Kingery
What Agencies to Observe?
Napa County
Napa County Boards & Commissions: Napa County Library Commission, Napa County Local Food Advisory Council, Napa County Mosquito Abatement District Board, Napa Public Access Cable TV, Napa Redevelopment Successor Agency Oversight Board, Napa Sanitation District Board, Napa Valley Transportation Authority

City of American Canyon
American Canyon Commissions and Boards: See Napa City and County
Public Works
Community Development
Parks & Recreation Services

City of Calistoga
Calistoga City Council Calendar
Calistoga Commissions and Boards: Planning Commission, See Napa City and County
Public Works
Parks & Recreation Services

City of Napa
Napa City Commissions and Boards: Bicycle and Trails Advisory Commission, Building and Fire Code Board of Appeals, Civil Service Commission, Community Development Block Grant Citizens'Committee (CDBG), Cultural Heritage Commission, Disability Access Board of Appeals, Housing Authority of the City of Napa, Parks, Recreation and Trees Advisory Commission, Planning Commission, Public Art Steering Committee, Senior Advisory Commission
Public Works
Community Development
Parks & Recreation Services
Public Safety
City of St. Helena
St. Helena City Council Calendar
St. Helena Commissions and Boards: Active Transportation & Sustainability Committee, Board of Library Trustees, Parks and Recreation, Planning Commission, St. Helena Assets Planning Engagement Committee (SHAPE), Financing Civic Infrastructure Task Force, See Napa City and County
Public Works
Parks & Recreation Services​
Commissions and Boards: See Napa City and County

These are just a few of the boards, committees, and commissions - if you are interested in something else, we can find it for you. Email us at lwvnapa@gmail.com