Climate & Natural Resources
LWVNC Climate Change Action Policy
The League of Women Voters of Napa (LWVNC) supports actions to mitigate and adapt to climate change in order to protect our county and state from the negative physical, economic, and public health effects. Our local league engages at a local and regional level for education and advocacy. Our actions are to:
Promote energy conservation and efficiency in transportation, buildings, and infrastructure, including energy efficiency standards and land use policies that reduce vehicle miles travelled.​​
Promote education of clean, low-carbon energy economy that is sustainable, including all forms of renewable energy and transportation infrastructure.
Advocate for policies that mitigate impacts of climate change by adaptation in urban, rural, agricultural, and natural settings.
See more from League of Women Voters of California by clicking here

Legally Speaking
Proposed California and Napa County Climate Legislation 2021
California Climate Change Legislation (Click titles to be directed to more information)
SB 99 ( Dodd) Community Resilience Act of 2021
LWVNC hosted an Earth Day virtual event on April 20th featuring Senator Bill Dodd, who discussed three climate-related bills he is sponsoring in the 2021 session. SB 99 would establish the Community Resilience Act of 2021, creating “energy resilience mini-grids” that ensure continuous electrical service during power outages. The bill also prioritizes “clean energy resilience” to prevent the use of diesel-powered generators in lower-income communities that are most impacted by power outages and air pollution.
SB 52 (Dodd) Wildfire Disaster Relief
Senator Dodd has also introduced a bill that would make wildfire disaster relief more readily available and create an agency to identify more effective ways to address wildfires. SB 52 would define a “de-energization event” as a “planned power outage,” which would make it one of those conditions constituting a local emergency.
SB 109 (Dodd) Office of Wildfire Technology Research and Development.
Also introduced by Senator Dodd, this new office would study and test new technology and tools to suppress wildfires and advise about the most effective means to prevent and control them.
AB 1086 (Aguiar-Curry) Organic Waste Management
In the Assembly, another bill that aims to lower greenhouse gases and air pollution is AB 1086 (Aguiar-Curry), which addresses the need to improve organic waste management. Each year, millions of tons of food, landscaping, and agricultural waste are tossed into California’s landfills or burned––unleashing methane (that traps 28 times the heat of CO2!) and black carbon––negatively impacting California’s climate change initiatives and air quality targets. AB 1086 would require the Natural Resources Agency to prepare a report summarizing science-based beneficial reuses of organic waste. It would also outline strategies to collect and convert organic waste into valuable compost, biochar, or renewable energy sources. For more information on renewables, click here.
SB 27 (Skinner and Caballero) CO2 Sequestration Targets
Supported by LWV California, sets CO2 sequestration targets for agricultural and natural lands and creates a registry to track funding and the efficacy of carbon removal projects. Regenerative farming and grazing practices and protecting or restoring forests, wetlands, and pastures are key strategies for reducing CO2 in the atmosphere. SB 27 would integrate CO2 drawdown targets into long-term planning for land use, population growth and urban expansion, and open space preservation (
Action on Leaf Blowers
AB 1346 (Berman) Air Pollution and Off-Road Engines (SOREs)
AB 1346 recognizes the need to reduce air pollutants generated by gas- and diesel-powered lawn and garden equipment. This legislation would phase out these tools beginning January 1, 2024. The California Air Resources Board (CARB) reports that small off-road engines (SOREs) such as leaf blowers, mowers, and trimmers now emit higher levels of smog compounds than passenger cars! AB 1346 would prohibit production and sales of new gas-powered SOREs and provide funding for rebate programs to purchase cleaner electric or battery-powered equipment. Click here for information on SOREs.
Part of the League’s Climate Change event on April 20, 2021 concerned information about a Napa County campaign to ban the use of loud, diesel-powered leaf blowers in its cities and towns. Visit our page on leaf blowers for more information.

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